Reaping Your Harvest

ENDED: Cascade 24-hr Challenge & GIVEAWAY

Posted on: 05/03/2010

My family and I LOVE a nice little dessert with ice cream! Cascade & BlogSpark were so nice to offer us the opportunity to indulge a rich blueberry cobbler, I had to make it of course, but they provide the recipe. Upon finishing this little treat we embarked on a 24-hour Challenge.

The challenge consisted of allowing the dish to remain out for 24 hours prior to washing using the provided Cascade Complete Pacs. We were also instructed NOT to rinse the dish at all before placing it in the dishwasher. Now I must admit, there are some dishes that I absolutely believe needs a little rinsing to help loosen up the food particles, and this dish fell in that category!

I wasn’t completely confident that the Cascade Complete would do the job. Now mind you, it does have the gel, powder, and rinse aid all in this cute little pac, but would it work was my question!

The finally results were in…and I was amazed! Usually I would end up still needing to clean some tough stains after the wash, but I’m here to say that the Cascade Complete did its job well!

Cascade & BlogSpark wants one of my lovely readers to experience the cleaning power of Cascade Complete, so they have provided me with a $25 Wal-Mart Giftcard to share with one of you to purchase your very own products.

You know I’m about saving more, so be sure to click on the Cascade Complete links above to reap some coupons to make your “spree” even sweeter!

Here’s how to enter:

Leave a comment –Share with us your toughest stain fighter dish that you’re hoping Cascade Complete will help you tackle
Leave a comment -In the spirit of “cleaning”, assist me with cleaning up the blog some. Let me know your likes and dislikes and what I can do to make this blog better for you and future readers (i.e., deals, number of posts, stores highlighted, posting my personal deals, etc.)
Tweet about this giveaway– include me (@seedtofeed) in the twitter so I can see it.
Blog about this giveaway (leave your blog link in the comment)
Subscribe to the blog via RSS or by EMAIL (if you already subscribe just say–current subscriber in the comment)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry (up to 5 comments/entries per person)! State each entry method in the comment and leave the appropriate information for me to verify. I will randomly select a winner on Saturday 5/8 around 8pm and post the winner on Sunday (5/9).

Legal Disclaimer: This product review was based on using complimentary Cascade product provided by P&G. Bloggers also received a Walmart gift card to share with their readers. P&G does not represent or warrant the accuracy of any statements or product claims made here, nor does it endorse any opinions expressed with this blogsite.

85 Responses to "ENDED: Cascade 24-hr Challenge & GIVEAWAY"

The toughest stain issue I have ever had to contend with is definitely pasta with marinara sauce. Hopefully cascade can come to the rescue.

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Cheesy (but yummy) lasagna is hard to clean out of casserole pans.

I just subscribed RSS feed…

My toughest dish problem is the “stuff” that is left sometime on the top of the dishes after washing. I’ve tried things like jetdry, etc. & rinses but I still get it from time to time. Maybe Cascade Complete could help with that.

My toughest dish to clean is lasagna. It sure tastes good though. 🙂

I blogged about it. It will show up at 5pm, so that it is the top post for the whole evening. ❤ you! Thanks Kay!

I might have to beg for a few coupons to try this stuff out!

My husband HATES pre-washing dishes… I say YOU HAVE TO. Prove me wrong!

After I cook a big pot of lasagna and reheat it for lunch the next day the cheese is so hard to remove.

The toughest job that I have when it comes to dishes would be baked chicken. The butter seems to just stick to it and never come off!


I actually love the clean and simple look of your site!


I tweeted @carissa8402!


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My toughest one is always my clear class pans for baking, I can never seem to get those clean enough no matter what.

I think some more color for the blog would work and organizing the sidebar a bit more so it’s cleaner looking. Just suggestions 🙂

New subscriber via RSS google

Blackberry or blueberry cobbler…baked-on sugar, blue stains, hardened crust. It’s like all the tough cleaning jobs in one dish!

I need help cleaning my lasagna pan!!

I think your site looks great, keep up the great work!

I signed up to be an email subscriber!

My toughest dish to clean is cheese eggs because no matter what they just keep on sticking

My toughtest thing to get clean is the baked on cheese left from dishes like enchiladas or lasagna.

My toughest dish stain would have to be the homemade mac and cheese my husband makes. The cheese baked to the sides of the pan…tough to get off!

I love Cascade Complete!! It leaves your dishes sparkling clean and the food totally disappears!!

I subscribed to the blog through email,

Even after spraying it w/Pam I have problems w/Mac n Cheese. My corning ware is really starting to age, the cheese gets burnt on there and doesn’t want to come off.

The worst dish problem we have for the dishwasher is homemade mac and cheese. For it to be so baked on, you know how good it has to be! My husband makes it as his specialty. When he cooks I clean up. I have rarely had to do any extra “cleaning” on the mac and cheese pan (he only will use one certain pan). It is delicious food, and the Cascade is the perfect delicious cleaner for the mac and cheese dish!

Our biggest issue is sippy cups….. All the little crevices. EWW We always rinse them, soak them, srub them….
I would love to just throw them thru the dishwasher and know they were CLEAN!

I think eggs leave the worst mess on my dishes.
wrotek5 at gmail dot com

I would love to see how it works on my husband’s chili pot!

I just recently discovered your blog, so I’m not sure what I would suggest. I like it so far! And I love reading product reviews and deals I can find in my local stores – Publix, Sweetbay, CVS, Walgreens.

The hardest thing to clean for me is cheesy scallopped potatoes, the baked on chesse is hard to get off!
I have subscribed to RSS feed! Thanks.

My toughest stain would be those baked on grease stains. Nothing gets them off!

Baked lasagna pans, so tough!

Mac and cheese pans, the cheese is impossile!

For me, it’s burnt brownies…I have had to throw out pans

Definitely dried cereal, something about cheerios that get mixed with milk–it congeals or something and it’s SOOOOOO difficult and nasty to get out

Roasted chicken stains on pyrex are the toughest!

Wow, great giveaway..bbq chicken in the crockpot always leaves a ton of dirty dishes!

My toughest are the blueberry pie stains on my glass Pyrex…

Oh man, I never ment to burn that chocolate in my favorite saucer pan…

Dirty pans? We’ve had ’em! And with teenagers who sometimes forget to rinse and / or clean them, it has gotten very interesting. Elbow grease required! The worst normal stuff to clean? Macaroni and cheese, lasagna, and scalloped potatoes. The worst stuff to clean ever? When someone forgot that the stove was on after getting their food out of the pot . . . green beans that had burned to the bottom. Soaking and elbow grease didn’t take care of it . . . I had to throw the pot away. Sad day!

meatloaf is my worse dish to clean

email subscriber

I could definitely use some help with baked tomato sauce dishes!

I love what you are doing with the blog.

More give always are always appreciated though.

I am a new email subscriber

Tomato sauce in tupperware always leaves stains. Bleach helps a little though.

I think that the blog looks great!

I definitely need help with baked on grease.

My best friend burnt grilled cheese on my not nonstick pan 3 weeks ago. I scrubbed with soap and water and then put it in my dishwasher. It did not come clean and she feels bad. I would love to know if Cascade Complete would get the stain off of the pan especially since I already washed it once.

Anything that was cooked in my crock pot 🙂

BBQ chicken is the worst :(. But I love it so much that I will scrub for 5 minutes anyday!

Also subcribing to your email list now 🙂

As far as cleaning up your blog, I just love it as it is. I DO LOVE the Publix deals, please keep them. My fav. stores are Publix & CVS, plus I enjoy Walgreens. I mostly look at blogs with info on those stores.

My toughest stain fighter dish is lasagna 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Subscribed to Reaping Your Harvest by email

Stuck on Lasagna is the hardest for me to clean.

I always have the hardest time getting the roast smell out of my roasting pan!

I’m new with coupons so I really like the coupon terminology

My toughest stain is spaghetti sauce.

I subscribe in google reader (Anne Jolly)

5th & last entry: Tweeted this morning about your contest. Sent you a copy, but not sure if it did right so here’s my direct link :

Lasagna is the toughest.

Hope it will help when I make my pizza casserole-its the pits to clean :O)

email subscriber

I like personal deals, personal touch of shopping experiences is always the most helpful .


tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Lasagna is the WORST mess for me. It cakes on and is so difficult to get off :/

My toughest job is the BBQ spare rib pans. Man, that stuff really sticks!

I subscribe via email

We make smoothies in our Blendtec blender and sometimes forget to rinse it out. Days can go by and my husband and I keep waiting for someone else to clean it out. Hard berry stains on plastic. Yuck!

Tomato sauce on plastic storage containers.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

My problem isn’t always what’s been cooked in the dish but the water we have. If you’ve ever been to NE FL you know what I mean. I ONLY use Cascade Complete. Nothing else does the job!

My toughest stain issue is caked on barbecue sauce. It is the worst!

red wine is the worst stain I hope this will work

email subscriber

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Toughest stain – food coloring discolored a couple of my dishes.

barbara.montyj at gmail dot com

This is my first visit to your blog site.
First impression – I like how uncluttered it – easy on the eyes.
And easy to find what I need.
I also enjoy your scenic art at the top!

barbara.montyj at gmail dot com

RSS subscriber

I wish it would ease the pain of cleaning my deep fryer basket. It’s totally nasty and takes me forever to wash by hand

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